Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My life is in a bit of a whirl. I'm trying to plan a vacation, while thinking about the future in terms of the recent past, all while unable to focus on anything except the here and now, and all the ripples it causes across the face of the world. My heart is clamoring with joy, finally scoring a victory over my brain, and a sound victory, not merely an "everyone wins" compromise. My brain still isn't sure how it won, and, being a brain, is trying to figure it out, while my heart races ahead, enjoying a greater and greater lead. But my brain, being my brain, is good at the game of catch-up, so I'm not worried. [grins] I'm loving my BarlowGirl cd, and I've been delving a little into past cds for dancing purposes. With Tango's freedom of step and Lindy-hop's power of interpretation, almost anything can be turned into a partner dance, as long as it is beautiful and moving. But, I have no real time to blog. I'm packing for the trip, and trying to take care of business, under the deadline of evening plans, tango that I wouldn't give up for anything, and I may have increased our vacation party. Someone on Myspace, a friend of a friend that I've met a couple times and added, was looking for something to do for a friend's birthday that involved getting her away from a bad fiancé for a little fun before they get married and the friend is lost forever. I suggested they try and come up to our vacation spot (which will be a big party spot for this memorial day weekend), and if they're seriously interested, I'm going to need to get all the details from Drew. [laughs and shrugs]. Blogger, be well and safe, and take all the happiness you can from every moment. If you're lacking, I've got some to spare, and freely give you all you can take. Au revoir.


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