Mmm, it's three-thirty in the morning, and I just finished writing ad-copy for our tango event in Paradigm Art Gallery. That was following a day that included working late, hanging out with the owner of the bike shop, meeting Megan and hanging out with Ashley at Two Senoritas as we picked up paychecks, hanging out with Katie and drinking good red wine at Paradigm Art while waiting for Dan and Sarah and friends to come downtown, meeting Dan and Sarah and new photo major friends Tara, Becky and (brain fart) at Applebees, dancing at the band in the street with Sarah while everyone else watched with embarassment, hanging out at Mattison's and chatting, hanging out at my house and chatting, taking a long walk to steal fruit from trees (I have a bag full of fresh grapefruits and tangerines), and watching a taped episode of Family Guy. And I have to be at work in less than 5 hours. And I am now going to clean up the kitchen and take out the trash. Yay! I'm invited to more partying tomorrow night, but I'm not sure I'll be up for bar-hopping (even sober bar-hopping) after this long night and tomorrow's early day. Plus, it's bar-hopping, not dancing.... I like these new friends (and Megan likes them even more than me), but still. [laughs] I continue to be an instrument of fate. Tara is trying to go to grad school in NYC, and Megan, when she gets back from Tokyo, plans on going back to school in NYC, and they're talking about the possibility of being roommates. And yah, they just met. And I think I'm finally going to let my computer restart, to finalize some update or other. Goodnight blogger. Sweet dreams! Get more sleep than I! But have just as much fun!
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