Thursday, April 22, 2004

yah yah, I haven't updated this in a while. I've been busy not updating it. Leave me alone. Anyway, I ordered it. Apparently, has my email address, I apparently had an account or something. However, it did not use the only credit card I own, so I have no idea. Maybe my mom signed up for it or something. Whatever it was, I created a new account instead, much easier. It bugs me that I was ordering one thing, and it had a long page of all the things I might want, because other people who have bought this item have bought these other similar things. Ugh! Ebay doesn't inundate you with ads like that; why does Amazon have to? Anyway, enough ranting. I haven't finished my math homework. But shortly, I had a dream the other day (morning?) in which there was this big grassy area surrounded by hedges and bushes and things, and I was a child running around and found these crawl spaces around the edges, and they were decorated with paper butterflies and painted birds and little things like that that you would never have seen from the outside. I think I was a little kid, and at some point I began collecting food, including a steak, and a sandwhich wrap in foil, and candy including reeses and starbursts; all of it went into a lunch-bag sized paper bag. It was sort of a cross between easter-egg hunting and halloween candy-gathering. I don't know why I got it all, but I was the only one who didn't have just candy, and I thought I was better than them because of it. I took the bag to Grace, and before I could say anything, she started handing me this stack of papers, telling me that they were important and I had to take care of them for her, as she ascended into the clouds. I didn't feel like she was dying, but going somewhere else without me. I quickly tossed up my bag of food before she got too high, telling her she might get hungry in heaven. She smiled, a sunbeam came out, and then I was sitting there with papers that I didn't know what to do with, so I woke up. Very strange. Definately a regression-type dream, probably symbolic but I don't care that much. I like the stories more than the meanings of my dreams. Anyway, math awaits. I will write again...sometime...


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