Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I just had a crazy dream. There were three historic quads, two side by side, one on the end of both. I mean, it wasn't those exact buildings, but it looked like it from the outside. Grace was a dark elf sorceress, I was squire to the Lord Knight (whose identity I knew in the dream, but not now). Anyway, one quad is the humans', one is the dwarves' (the side by side ones) and one was the elves' (the one on the end), though there were many races all mingling. For example, some "Clackers" as I thought of them, or intelligent hook horrors, were selling food on one of the dwarven halls. I can't remember too much about the beginning of the dream, but I remember that the king arrived, and we greeted his retinue, and we were supposed to go off on some quest or other. We went to a certain point to meet the rest of the party, but I needed to go to the bathroom, so I borrowed my Lord's horse (white and unbridled) to go back to the castle equivalent to the human Old Kenyon. Inside was some huge place with lots of elaborate rooms. I had to ask Grace for directions, and I still took a wrong turn and had to backtrack. I finally found it, and for some reason the door labels were in a language I didn't know, one said Ang Mano and the other said Emuil. I went in the Emuil door, and in fact both doors opened into the same room, which was really weird, but as I went in, two girls walked in behind me, laughing, and one said, "so, you found the women's restroom." I was embarassed and went back through the other door, and it was the same room but a different color and no one was there, though there had been several people in the other one. Anyway, for some reason I could still see the people in the other one, but they couldn't see me, so I waited for them to leave. As one of the girls flushed the toilet, she got sprayed by a shower or something, which was really weird. Anyway, I had to take a dump, and then I avoided the shower sprayer thing when I flushed. I had just gone back outside and ridden back to the group when I woke up. The king just shrugged at me since there's nothing you can do when you're waking up, and they proceeded off on the quest without me. blah! Anyway, I gotta get my computer up and running so I can get my resume, which my old college counselor said he'd give to an alumni for me. more blah blah blah. I think it can wait until after lunch.


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