Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I am not a crappy would-be student film director. I am not the President of a publishing company of Latin American trade magazines and internet portals. I am not a mediocre artist painting nature in Queensland Australia. I am not the namesake of David Ashe Associates, a mortgage and equity, etc. firm. I am not a film maker, photographer and presenter of iCapture Productions. I am not a marine corp veteran running for the house of representatives for the second congressional district of Virginia. I was not in division L of the North Carolina regiment to remove Indians in 1838. I was not the owner of The Pine Shop who won an election to be First Ward Alderman in Oneonta, NY. I am not the public information officer for the City of Utica. I might have had ancestors that were the namesake of Ashe county (now Alleghany), North Carolina in the early 1800s. (actually, I'm certain I did. My six great's grandfather founded UNC, and Asheville, NC and Asheville, TN were named after two of his three sons). I am not the South Chairman of RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects). I did not set the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's school record for the Pentathalon in 1989 at 3498 (units unknown), nor tie for the high jump record at 2.06 meters. I did not write code for an xml 7-line parser that was corrupted by email translation programs (it doesn't like a lot of symbols). I do like how I was in 5 of the first 20 sites that Google came up with. See if you can figure out which ones. [grins] (hint - put "David Ashe" means the whole phrase, so it won't give you hits where the words are separated).


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