Tuesday, July 13, 2004

As I type, my girlfriend is in the airport, an hour's drive away from me, passing through on her way from San Diego CA to home in ohio. I stink. I just got back from nailing floorboards into a house that my cousin is contracted to for floors. part-time summer job. Anyway, dinner is hamburger helper. yum! Then shower, for an hour, then job-hunting online. blah blah blah. I'm sorry I've been ignoring you, blog. I'm lazy, and I have lots of books to read. I started Dragonlance Legends 1: Time of the Twins yesterday, and finished it this morning in the van to work. Leaving me nothing to read on the drive back, but that's ok. I can always talk to people. It's not too painful [grins]. It's good, but a cliffhanger because the Cataclysm just started, i.e. the gods threw a fiery mountain at the city our heroes (and heroine, and villian) are in, for the impudence and corruption of faith of the spiritual leaders. Raistlin traveled back in time to steal another great evil mage's power, and Caramon (his twin brother, a fighter) and Chrysania (a true cleric who thinks she can convince Raistlin to give up his evil path by her example of goodness) and Tasslehoff, a kender (think a halfling with wanderlust, immunity to fear, and racial heritage of kleptomania) who isn't supposed to be there, and therefore could alter history (the humans can't) have traveled back to find and stop him. Of course they haven't. There are two more books. [grins] Anyway, Raistlin's plan is to challenge the evil goddess Takhesis in her own home and defeat her to become the new god of evil. Everyone is worried because he just might succeed... [grins] Ok, shower time. Have a good (safe) flight, love.


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