Monday, November 22, 2004

So, as if I haven't been working enough this week (Charles was on vacation), I spent all today (meaning, 5-just now) baking. cookies. I made butterscotch cornflakes squares (like rice crispie treats, but with the above mentioned ingredients, plus peanut butter. really easy). They came out fantabulously (I think). I then made white chocolate chunk macadamia nut cookies. Thing is, recipe said 10-15 minutes in the oven. 10 1/2 was a little too much, and 9 was almost too much for the second tray. I was worried because the chocolate and nuts made the gobs of dough very chunky looking, but the dough expanded, while the chocolate and nuts did not, so they came out fine. I couldn't find any cooking white chocolate bars or whole macadamia nuts, so I had to use fancy white chocolate and oven roasted nuts. And I used wheat flour, because frankly, it's cooler. So they taste different, but still good. And, the mint chocolate chip meringue just went into the oven, with the instructions of preheating the oven, putting in the gobs of goo, turning off the oven and leaving them there overnight. Yes, 8-12 hours. yeesh! Anyway, I'm worried because it looks like toothpaste with chocolate chips. I hope it tastes better. I tried making a double batch, because the recipe had said it only made 24, but I definately made three trays worth of one-inch diameter cookies. and it took forever, I mean FOREVER to whip the egg/sugar melange to a cool-whip consistency. Whatever, I baked them all. I am now super cool. plus my girlfriend thinks cooking is hot. [grins] I win. Even if they don't taste as well as they could. You know why? because I made three types of cookies. So she is bound to actually love at least one kind, even though she'll compliment all three [laughs]. Yeesh, I need sleep. Oh, and I get to carve a ham at work for thanksgiving luncheons. weeeeee! (extra money) weeeeee!


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