Friday, October 22, 2004

In an effort to procrastinate sleep, I randomly flipped through blogs. I.e., the blogger menu at the top has a "next blog" button that sends you to another random blog. And yes, it is random; if you hit the "back" button, and then click it again, it won't be where you just were, so if you accidentaly lose an interesting one, or one that posts cool pictures, you have to find them in your history. I bookmarked one tonight because this person (sounds female?) rambles in an interesting manner, and might be worth reading more. So, dear blog, you may be having random encounters. ooh, sounds kinda kinky. Make friends, dear blog, but no cheating. I am the only one who can post on you. though others can leave comments, if they'd like. 6 days and 9 1/2 hours until I get to see her. and it's the only thing, besides the world series, for me to look forward to. man my life is pathetic. So, in terms of the world series, red sox vs cards. too bad astros, my team, didn't go, but that's ok, because now I can root for the sox and not feel bad about it. I mean really, it's gotta be pretty tough to root AGAINST the sox, having made the record-breaking comeback in the ALCS finals against the yankees. Besides, the astros and cards were fairly evenly matched, so it was a toss-up the whole series. the yankees were, to be fair, a better team than the red sox. I mean, they're usually one of the top teams, but even this year, they had a struggling pitching staff, but they had one of the best hitting lineups. Just, for the last four games, it didn't work. red sox pitching and defense just shut down what little the yankees squeezed out. it's gotta be pretty embarassing. but my boss was a yankees fan, so I gotta tiptoe around a little. Oh, and someone who I was bragging to about the first red sox victory in game four, a true NY fan, put up on his aim profile that all people jumping on the red sox bandwagon, the non-true fans, could suck d*** and die, but is it really jumping on the bandwagon to root for ANYONE beating the yankees? anyway, I guess it's about bedtime. laters, blogger, readers. (and I'm remembering to copy this, in case it messes up. which it won't, because I'm copying it).


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