Sunday, December 12, 2004

I meant to write a good long post today, but I realized it will take far too long to write, and I need to shower and sleep. I worked 12 hours today, and I have to get up to leave for church at 7am tomorrow, and work 9-5. dinner with santa, woo hoo! except that we're feeding them all. Anyway, I went to see the annual Messiah concert at my old high school yesterday. There was a girl that reminded me of my girlfriend, I mean, almost everything about her reminded me of my girlfriend, I couldn't stop staring at her, and yet, half the time I was remembering something about my girlfriend, living in memories. All with the background of Handel's Messiah, for the most part beautifully sung. Ian's friend had a solo, and she sang it well. It was very well performed, but she does not have the discipline to prevent herself from allowing speech-quality sound to sneak into her almost-excellent tonality. whatever. we tried going out to dinner afterward, but the restaurant was closed, and, due to bad communication issues, it took us till 11:30 to figure out that we were going to aforementioned soloist's (my little brother's friend) house for dinner, since her parents were having a bunch of other parents over already as it was. While they swapped embarassing stories about the kids, we hung out upstairs and told jokes and chatted about weird stuff, as kids are wont to do. [laughs] but I didn't get home to sleep till 2am, which sucked, since I had planned on getting sleep in expectation of not sleeping enough tonight. and go figure, I'm still here typing [laughs]. Goodnight, blogger. Until I finish the other thing, tomorrow, au revoir.


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