Tuesday, December 13, 2005

[sighs] I love Gattaca. Anyway, today has been interesting. Do you ever have the feeling that you're really dreaming this world, and you're actually somewhere else, doing something different? Like this world is a figment of imagination to another you, a shadow of you acting out a shadow life? Well, today has been like that. I have constantly felt that this world is slightly less real than normal, accompanied by the sensation (I mean that literally) of being somewhere else. At work, it was ok; we're waiting for things to be delivered tomorrow before frantically preparing both lunch parties and both dinner parties, so I was just getting almost everything that I would need tomorrow out of the way. It didn't feel important, but I still managed to keep a hard-working attitude going, so much so that I forget to eat. I think a mini-kolache and pepsi and a couple fries and chips were all I ate today before dinner. [laughs and shrugs] I know, I'm terrible. Anyway, then while I was on my computer, which distracts me from reality enough, I was still caught up in my imagination/dream world/whatever. It made talking to people on the phone, on im, or in person slightly difficult, and if you spoke to me today, you'll probably need to repeat yourself. I know I need to call Michelle when I get off work, and we're going to see Narnia, but I don't really understand the details, and mom spoke to me several times and I have no idea what she said. Driving to jazz was sucky too...it was like driving when tired, forcing yourself to pay closer attention because your ability to concentrate isn't completely there. I just felt like I was somewhere else, and that the whole driving thing was on auto-pilot, but not like I didn't remember having driven that, but that I felt like I was watching myself drive instead of myself driving. So yah, I had to keep a close eye on that one. At jazz itself, I had my book to distract me, and I got really into it. There was still reality, including other people and the music, but there was the world of my book and the world that the music conjured in my imagination, which switched back and forth fairly constantly in terms of feeling real. I just couldn't bring myself to stay for the later groups, considering that I was (am) tired and distracted, and none of the friends there (workers, new friends, one guy in the band) were close enough to necessitate staying. So I came home and watched Gattaca instead of sleeping [laughs]. Oh, that movie always makes me cry. I think it's the only movie I've seen twice in a row (it doesn't count if you watch a movie and then go back to watch a particular scene again), and in my adolescent and adult life, it's the movie that I've watched the most number of times (I probably watched movies over and over again as a child, as children do; I just don't know what they were, though I'd guess The Land Before Time). The saddest thing is that I have Gattaca on a disk, not the DVD, and the quality isn't great so some scenes are just impossible, and it skips a little, and by a little I mean every so often (very very frequently), the movie stretches a little, so a sentence would sound like this: I was going to theeeeeeeeeeeee movies. Very annoying; you can still understand what they're saying almost every time, but it destroys the beautiful music. Someone remind me to get that soundtrack. Anyway, since I'm falling asleep on the keyboard (or with my hand pressed against my forehead; same thing), I'm going to sleep now. Fun fun work tomorrow. goodnight, blogger.


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