Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ah, evenings at home followed by mornings at home. I'm being productive. I sorted papers and business letters, I sorted my books, I got some writing done, and I'm getting some more writing done. Look for a livejournal story soon. It's a good one.

On another note, coughing sucks because it interrupts the thought process. runny noses suck because they dehydrate you and make your nose sore. computers suck because of the sound they make, similar to televisions, the high pitched whine of electricity running through and over and around. Paper sucks because it's so fragile and the pages curl up when I write on it (combination weight of my hand and slight bit of heat/moisture?) Family sucks because they always interrupt on accident or for your own good. Writers suck because we never appreciate the efforts of family/friends/etc. to do things for us, having already been irritated by the interruption. [laughs] sorry, mom. And lastly, tea sucks because I have to make it. Why can't hot tea come in a can or bottle or something? (Don't answer that).


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