Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Quick post. I'm cooking dinner tonight for family and swing dancers, a chicken dish based on the chicken salad recipe from work. wish me luck turning the cold mayo-based dish into a hot chicken dish with a cold dipping sauce. [laughs].

April is National Grilled Cheese month. So, Grilled Cheese. [grins]

On Sunday, nearing the end of the day, I realized that they might need clarified butter on monday, since the new chef Joe tends to use a lot when he uses it. So I made some (it takes me about two hours to make it without darkening it) and left it in a tall metal pan. On tuesday, I arrived in the morning to find it sitting on the counter, the plastic-wrap over it was broken, and something that looked like a clear thick-plastic ball floating in it. Upon getting the time to fish it out, I discovered it to be a thick glass light-bulb covering that had broken off above from above the grill. It fell onto the counter between the grill and the fryer...right into my pan of clarified butter. So, while my butter was ruined, the fryer was saved from glass shards. Thanks, God.

Ok, time to cook dinner. I'll tell you how it turns out. No work tomorrow, so when I languidly arise from slumber, I'll spend some time on the computer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ги де мопассан это есть смысл нашего пребывания на земле: мыслить и искать и вслушиваться в дальние исчезнувшие звуки так как за ними лежит наша истинная родина

Saturday, December 08, 2012 7:10:00 PM  

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