Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So I've eaten well today. Thelma had to cancel lunch plans because she was stuck in training and it was catered. So I had turkish food, a farewell to a restaurant I really like called The Istanbul Grill. Also a farewell to turkish food, since I doubt I'll get much in Sarasota [laughs]. I hung out with Kat, hit up two half-price bookstores and got several things, including the Assassin trilogy by Robin Hobbs, which was recommended me by Grace quite some time back. I have soooo many things to read that I don't know when I'll ever actually catch up [laughs]. Oh well, I like my books. We had dinner with Miranda and her boyfriend Jake, pre-made lasagna, fresh-made garlic bread, and salad with tomatoes and carrots (I cut the tomato, because it was soft and they were afraid of mashing it). It was really nice, both the food and the conversation. They've been dating a couple months and both know they've found something wonderful, and they're already talking about getting a ring. He's a firefighter and she's a music teacher, and they're adorable together. So many of my friends are falling headlong into love--Irina and her David, Miranda and her Jake, Mikael and Alisha (sp?) from Havok, Natalie and Ernesto before and after their lifechanging experience. All of them rushed headlong into their relationships because they recognized them as being wonderful things, despite previous experience or previously held beliefs. And I'm moving to Florida for the same reason. Will we get married? Who knows, the future will come. I'm too busy being hopelessly in love and crazily packing to worry about that. [laughs] Well, time to make my room stop looking like my room. It looks like a skeleton right now, but I'm going to take it apart entirely. Everything that doesn't require two people. [laughs] I never think I'm strong, and then I carry things that other people whine about being too heavy. Ask not for super strength, but ask for the strength to carry all the burdens you are given, right? [laughs] I love you, God. I love you too, Lara. And mom and dad, and those two guys I had to share a house with, and all the friends and family who were there for me when I needed it, and the friends and family who weren't but tried, and the friends and family that would have been if they'd known. Be well, be strong, have faith, and love constantly. And eat good food. Because everything is easier with a well-fed stomach.


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