dammit, I just wrote a really good post, and my internet skipped right then and lost it. bastard! So, I spent 5 hours, since the pres debate, doing variations in microsoft paintbrush of a single pattern I created a while back, using only it and its inverse. I made so many I had to create two files, and I won't bother posting them here because the space is much too small and the intricacies would be lost on you. I can email them to you on request, if you like your inbox being filled with large bitmap files. I can even give you a walk-through of how I created each of them, if it's not obvious (well, maybe it's only obvious to me, and that's a pointless comment). But I'm sleeping, then working tomorrow, and getting up at the same time as God on sunday to meet him at the earliest mass of the day, so I can spend a long day at Ren Fest with little bro and one of my two best friends. my bro is bringing a friend and meeting a friend, so I hope they're not kill-joys. But yah, sleep comes first, and so unless you're joining me, which you're not, this is the time for me to say adieu.
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