Thursday, October 07, 2004

well, this is a fun week. aside from work, church, grocery shopping, picking up my brother from school, and getting a haircut, (and getting the mail), (and yardwork), I haven't been out of the house in a week. I have allergies that make me sneeze every now and then, and then my nose runs for an hour (clear, not green, so I'm not actually sick), plus my eyes itch half the time and I have a sinus headache half the time, though those aren't necessarily the same halves of the time. In addition, I'm slightly depressed, so I don't really want to do anything anyway. In addition, the internet is on the fritz, so the last couple of days, I can't depend on aim to stay online all the time, nor can I depend on my web-browser to actually load anything. I mean, by on the fritz, I mean it cuts out for less than a minute, several times in an hour, one out of every three hours. [sighs] So the last time I tried creating a blog entry, it fritzed as I was writing, so I lost everything I had written. That's always fun. You know, since the blogger post page doesn't actually save what I write, since it's sending it to my site. blah blah blah. But I'm going to the renaissance festival this sunday. saturday night is my little brother's homecoming, and I have work, so we have to go to 7:30am mass sunday morning. Plus I'm gonna have to short him money at the festival because he's spending all he has right now on homecoming. Whatever. Anyway, I'm looking forward to that, though I have very little in the way of costume. I'll try and put something to gether, but I don't know what yet. whatever, back to self-deprecation.


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