Thursday, December 29, 2005

So what travels faster, light or information? I was just thinking about that, because while it is obvious that light travels faster to anyone who knows anything, the philosophical argument is that we can reach places with information that we cannot by emitting light. If I tried to shine a flashlight on something miles hence, the light would fail to reach that distance, but information would reach it instantly. However, I can shine a flashlight anywhere, but information must travel along the pathways built for it, including being restricted by radio wave signals for wireless areas and satelite-supported areas. If "light" and "information" fought it out in a wrestling ring, which would win? I mean, just because light has such powerful sources as the sun, and information is restricted to man-made networks and neurological pathways does not mean that light automatically trumps information. David, with his long-range sling stone, was able to defeat a soldier at least twice his size and far more trained in combat. And "information" even uses light for part of its function, using its enemy's abilities against it. The more light, the more our eyes can function, up to a certain point where our retinas are burned out and the pigment suffers a chemical change for which it does not revert back to normal. Blah blah, I just wanted to blog about that. I'd be cheering for information, but I'm not sure which I'd put my money on.


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