Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Have I mentioned that I hate Windows? I was doing fine, all the little spyware and virii on my computer safely locked away so they can run around and make noise but not cause any real harm. Well, Windows decides to send in the cavalry, (it wanted me to download some anti-spyware program), which I did just to shut it up. It wanted me to pay to be able to fix anything, which is dumb, right? If I'm at personal risk, why would I put my credit card info onto another site. I emptied my temporary internet files, cleared my cookies, reset my firewall to require programs to ask for permission to use the internet (it's always like that, but I cleared all my automatic acceptances), and deleted a couple of programs I never use and never allow to use the internet anyway. And now my computer can't access the internet. Even the windows anti-spyware program can't reach the internet. [sighs in frustration]. So if I'm not online much, that's why. grrrr.


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