Sunday, October 17, 2004

So I just turned 23 yesterday. I can't say I had a better birthday than my brother (described at but I still had a good time. My main celebration was renaissance festival last weekend, and this week I've been, well, not down and out, but just out. I went out with Charles to Midnight Rodeo on thursday night. I didn't plan on drinking, but they convinced me to take an upside down rasberry kamikaze...and didn't tell me how to take it. I tried swallowing halfway through...and volcanoed the second half of the shot onto my shirt. great. yah, upside down shots, fill your mouth, when they're done pouring, swallow. Anyway, I don't like the music there much anyway, so I had fun talking to Charles and coworker Brandy, who we met there. I'm beginning to realize that talking to strangers just doesn't work for me. The first person I tried talking to, because she looked bummed and I thought dancing might cheer her up, "doesn't like dancing or talking", and the second person I talked to was someone who very nearly fawned over me in a drunken way. I neatly avoided the conversation when she mentioned needing to find a ride home, since I had met her only a minute before. She was very talkative, and the bartender knew her, so she was a fair regular, so I didn't think it'd be a problem. [sighs] anyway, that night sucked, but I stayed the night at Charles' new apartment, played some Fable, slept, played a little more Fable, drove around with Eric and Charles and Malachy and Jake, then got home and went to bed early [laughs]. Last night I went out with Drew, met him at his house (took him his digeridoo and picture he bought at renfest and couldn't take home with him because he had ridden his bike), and went to a place called Westfield (by the railroad tracks). It was low key, but had an upbeat band called The Fab Five, a cover band with beatles haircuts. They were really really good. Anyway, the bartender was cute, Drew hit on her a little bit, she was really good at making drinks and really friendly, very nice place. It cheered me up immensely. Anyway, I gotta get ready to go to something for Ian's confirmation. top of the 8th inning, astros 6 cardinals 5. I'm praying.


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