Saturday, June 18, 2005

So, I wasn't sure if comments were working or not. I changed some settings the other night, and they seem to be working, despite the fact that, at the time that I changed them, it claimed that it could not, in fact, change my settings because it could not auto-change the code the way it wanted to. Blah, stupid computer can't handle non-generic html. At least, this one I didn't write myself. I mean, I made enough changes to the template that it might as well be my own, but I use tables a whooooole lot, and this uses definitions. Or, that's how I describe it anyway. If you ask nicely by email, I can send you a copy of the code. After all, I downloaded it for free online in the first place. I forget who wrote it, but it's on the right hand column somewhere near the bottom. Look it up if you're still curious. But, I am sorry to say, blogger, that you lose tonight. I am about to write a massive email to my girlfriend about this week, which has been too busy for email or blogging, and if you get to see any of it, it will be copied and pasted. But since I'll spend several hours writing, as is my wont, I probably won't get back to you till next week, when more things have happened in my life. I will say, though, that it is definately a time of change. I mean, sometimes you feel like it's time to change. But I look at all my friends and everything is changing, and very quickly too! [laughs] Blah blah, laters, blogger. comment away!


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