Saturday, July 16, 2005

So I got home just in time, it seems. I am getting 40 hours this week, having expected 20. There was something happening every night between tuesday and saturday this week, so I worked 8 hours thursday, 14 hours friday, 10 hours today (with a break in the middle for tango workshops with argentinian professionals) and 8 hours tomorrow by myself. Then I am scheduled 40.5 hours next week, with another long (12 hour) day on saturday. ugh [laughs] but it's money, so that's good. Unfortunately, it's preventing me from doing some tango things. I had to cancel dance class friday night and I had to skip dancing in the mall today, as well as next saturday. Fortunately, since Charles requested off next weekend, it means he has the long shift friday, and I only have to work during the day (and my regular evening schedule can go as planned). But we're ditching Matt by himself on Sunday, since I'll be in San Antonio for Irina's white coat ceremony (she's starting med school, and gets her doctor coat). I think I may be her only non-family-member supporter there [laughs]. Anyway, today was tough because I strained my lower back a little this morning moving a huge bucket of fryer oil. Not enough to whine about, but enough to notice and look forward to sleeping off. Then dance class happened, and don't get me wrong, it was amazingly helpful, well worth the price, but the constant twists and spins in the second workshop made my back hurt 5 times worse, so that every time I leaned over or squatted for the rest of the day, I had a sharp pang standing back up. [sighs] I'll be ok, but I actually took pain killers, which I really really don't do. On the plus side, I had lots and lots of sugar cookies, leftovers from thursday night but still soft and chewy, with which to console myself. [grins] Tomorrow, as I mentioned, I work solo, then church, then a party at a place called Cosmos. The band I go there for is splitting up for a while so the members can travel; they have cajun music, bluegrass, and tango, and mix them sometimes too. Plus Cosmos has really good quesadillas and a really really good red wine (Turner Road 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon). Monday I work, and I'll probably come home to spend some quality non-sleeping-or-eating-or-showering time at home, unless Charles can convince me that Monday is infinately better to hang out with him than Tuesday (my plan right now). Dancing wednesday, work and dancing thursday, work and dancing friday, work and more work saturday, then traveling before sleeping and then fun fun sunday, then back to the grind monday, when I'll probably be working again. [sighs and laughs] I don't give myself much free time, do I? My brother doesn't means I'm not kicking him off the computer very often, or if I am, it's only for a few hours, or an hour or two before he would be going to bed anyway [laughs]. But, speaking of bed, my back and my eyes are conspiring to make it impossible for me to stay awake, despite the little buzz I have from so much sugar throughout the day topped by an amaretto sour one of the bartenders was nice enough to slip me (since I really can't stand the white zinfandel everyone always has at weddings and that all the rest of the waitstaff were drinking). So, blogger, this is me saying goodnight. Goodnight!


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