Mmm...peanut butter. Anyway, I just realized that you can now comment. I hadn't had comments for a long time. Something about the code prevented me from having tables side by side, and it also cut out my comments. But now they're back! [laughs] I'll try to remember to check them.
Oh, work has been tiring, but I'm making good money. Yesterday, I think I had a shin splint. I'm not positive, but it was the muscle beside the bone in my right shin, and it was killing me for no good reason. I also hit my head on the corner of something hard enough to make it bleed, right on the top. I have a small scab (I discovered this morning), and it still hurts. [sighs]
My job hope with Senses magazine is a little dimmer. I was going in for an interview, so I thought, but after missing them tuesday because she didn't realize they were still on christmas break, and missing them wednesday because they had gone to the store, I have now been relegated to waiting for a call. [sighs] They're putting out their premiere issue sometime right about now, so they're a little busy to be interviewing. But a friend of a girl that my roommate dated, i.e. someone I know from work because she enjoys eating out, mentioned that she'd been doing copy-editing work as well as her normal writing work because they didn't have a copyeditor. She said this in response to my saying that I was looking for work as an editor. However, since then, we seem to have been on different pages.
Despite the magazine being new, and the office being very small, its goal is to promote art appreciated by all five senses. I'm a cook, a dancer, a singer, and a writer. I'm dating an artist. My goals in life are to learn to be a fabulous cook, to encourage and/or create a fabulous dance community wherever I live, and to continue singing in whatever ways I am able. This magazine would be so perfect for me because I would be able to devote my emotional energy to it, rather than just my time and physical energy, as I would be doing for so many other publications. So, say a prayer about it, or cross your fingers, whichever you believe in more.
Oh, work has been tiring, but I'm making good money. Yesterday, I think I had a shin splint. I'm not positive, but it was the muscle beside the bone in my right shin, and it was killing me for no good reason. I also hit my head on the corner of something hard enough to make it bleed, right on the top. I have a small scab (I discovered this morning), and it still hurts. [sighs]
My job hope with Senses magazine is a little dimmer. I was going in for an interview, so I thought, but after missing them tuesday because she didn't realize they were still on christmas break, and missing them wednesday because they had gone to the store, I have now been relegated to waiting for a call. [sighs] They're putting out their premiere issue sometime right about now, so they're a little busy to be interviewing. But a friend of a girl that my roommate dated, i.e. someone I know from work because she enjoys eating out, mentioned that she'd been doing copy-editing work as well as her normal writing work because they didn't have a copyeditor. She said this in response to my saying that I was looking for work as an editor. However, since then, we seem to have been on different pages.
Despite the magazine being new, and the office being very small, its goal is to promote art appreciated by all five senses. I'm a cook, a dancer, a singer, and a writer. I'm dating an artist. My goals in life are to learn to be a fabulous cook, to encourage and/or create a fabulous dance community wherever I live, and to continue singing in whatever ways I am able. This magazine would be so perfect for me because I would be able to devote my emotional energy to it, rather than just my time and physical energy, as I would be doing for so many other publications. So, say a prayer about it, or cross your fingers, whichever you believe in more.