Anyway, I'm going to talk about my weekend vacation now. I went tubing on the Guadalupe River with Drew, his sister Sarah, and Lara. We couldn't find anyone else that had planned to be there...because the special group deal that Drew had been connected with via a friend (and verified earlier in the week) did not exist when we arrived. So we were not directed to a particular campsite area, and we were left to look through the massive hordes of drunkards for people we knew. Sarah saw one friend, but not a close one, so they talked a bit but didn't hang out after that tubing trip. But from the start, this trip was going to be interesting. Sarah smokes; Lara is allergic to cigarette smoke. Lara and Drew are both very politically opinionated people. I had newly started dating Lara, so our relationship was having small growing pains. Drew and Sarah, being siblings, are good at finding things to fight about. Sarah and Lara both manage to attract random guys that they generally find distasteful. And Lara and I have issues with boredom, i.e. we spend a lot of energy avoiding it, and tubing the entire time wasn't our idea of fun, but it was the only activity that anyone else was doing, besides drinking or eating.
So, the trip started late, as they always do, the car (Drew's dad's explorer-sized suv) packed to the brim (with three empty coolers strapped to the roof). We got to Austin, bought $150 of groceries and $300 of alcohol and stayed in Jason's house overnight, hitting up a bar that sells purple Everclear Margaritas because it's semi-famous. Lara and I took a break to dance in the back of the kareoke area, making things up to whatever people were singing. We got off after mid-day breakfast and arrived at the campsite friday afternoon...only to find out that it was per person and not per carful, because Drew's deal hadn't come through. Luckily, we had money and the guy "only saw 3 people in the car". So, having compromised smoking breaks and meals (Sarah refused to give up meat if we were at restaurants and not actually camping yet), and Lara and Drew being open to each other's opinions, the car ride went well and ended well. In picking a camping spot, we were going to camp in a nice flat area, but Drew decided against it because of a neighboring wash gully, and I pointed to the top of the hill beside the wash gully, which after investigation, proved to be an excellent spot without space for neighbors to comfortably fit except on one side, which didn't have a parking spot except ours. We had a clear view of an "ant farm", i.e. about 9 guys camping below us that the girls found amusing to watch, and no close neighbors invading our space until the last day, when a preacher with wife and daughter arrived. We don't know what they did while they were gone, but they sat in their chairs around the fire doing absolutely nothing all evening. We were bored just watching them.
Anyway, so the first day (friday evening we had enough time to tube the river once before the sun went down) was nice and cool and the water was chilly and numbed Lara's behind, and everyone had a little to drink but only to tipsy. We had our 4 tubes tied together, and Lara was uncomfortable, and I was a little bored and distracted, not able to focus on nature around as much as I would have preferred because I was the only one anal enough to paddle a lot for preventative measures. For dinner, we had a delicious meatless chili, which we scooped onto plates (we forgot bowls or more than 3 plastic spoons) and saved the broth. Drew and Sarah crashed early, while Lara and I went for a walk, looking at people's campfires, exploring the camp and the nearby town. We found a house being built and laid in it, looking at the stars and talking for quite some time. It was at this point that I realized that I was sure I wanted not only to keep up this relationship, but to move to Sarasota to be with Lara during the school year.
Drew, and Sarah to some degree, are morning people. Lara, and I to some degree, are not. Lara hates waking up early, and hates you if you wake her up early. Drew wakes up with the first noises after the sun comes up, and Sarah can't sleep through other people getting up. This was our greatest contention, actually. Lara hated, and I mean hated visciously, Drew, for waking her up at Jason's house several hours before we had to leave. He was better warned not to wake her up saturday morning, so he and Sarah spent the morning chilling, waiting for us to wake up. They'd made farmer's omelettes, which we had to reheat when we woke up 2-3 hours later. We also had toast made with my spiced butter, and snack food. We went for a quick short tubing trip. By that I mean there is a long route and a short route. The short route involves a 10 minute walk to the beginning, 2 hours-ish of tubing, and drops us back off at camp. The long route involves 4-6 hours of tubing starting at camp, and taking a bus back costing $8. So we took the short tubing trip, and Lara's growing disgust with the hedonistic substance abuse, plus her acceptance of Drew's socialist belief that it was vacation time and we should each do what we want, caused her to untie herself and paddle away. Sarah, being a good friend, untied me before I got a chance to ask, and I caught up with Lara. I was still drinking, but not much. Sarah, being a bartender, had mixed several half-gallon jugs about a 1/3 full with different juice and alcohol concoctions, based on what we said we liked. I had one with me, but I didn't drink as much as anyone else on the river, most of whom were getting trashed on beer as quickly as they could. We regrouped after the short trip and went back to camp for lunch. Apparently there was a misunderstanding, because Lara thought I was going to be writing with her while she was drawing and taking pictures, while I thought she wanted to do that alone. Drew and Sarah were going to take the long trip, and so I was going to go as well, by myself to get inspiration for things to write, and experience the better rapids further down the river. This was a mistake, which I realized by how upset Lara was with me. But she headed off on her own before I could get around to stopping her, so I went with Drew and Sarah. Luckily, we were too late to start the long run and catch the last bus back, so we took the short trip, and I got a lot of inspiration, while paddling to hurry myself along to get back to camp. I had a couple gulps of alcohol and gave it back to Drew and Sarah (at the beginning), so that it wouldn't interfere with my writing/thinking. It was a successful trip for that purpose.
I got back to camp to write, expecting Lara to be off doing her own creative pursuits, but instead, she was back and extremely upset by some drunkards that had followed her and wouldn't leave her alone, thinking me to be a drunken lout like the rest of them, seriously thinking that she would need to call her mom to come pick her up. I explained what had happened and resolved the situation, getting forgiveness for being a stupidhead [laughs]. We talked until Drew and Sarah got back, then we went and swam for a little while, where I scraped myself up, and we used the waterguns for the first and only time. Drew and Sarah had dinner ready when we got home. Dinner was going to be beans and veggies in tortillas, but drew flipped his plate, then accidentally knocked over the pan. We shared from our plates to make another for him, and I made quesadillas to top them off. Drinks were no problem, as we had about 5 kinds of juice, milk, and lots of bottled water. As a Joke, Lara and I wore each other's shirts, me in a baby T that said "obey me!" in pink, and she in my thin black button-up. Then Lara and I left Drew and Sarah to socialize or whatever, and before it got dark, hiked up the mountain behind the campsite. By mountain, I mean hill, because Lara is from Colorado, but it was still steep, and rocky, with a great view of the surrounding area. We found some great clearings, piles of wood chips as though trees had been put through a mulcher, frequent piles of blue slate and limestone and pink limestone that seemed the ruins of ancient (tiny) civilizations, saw some deer running on a distant slope, some caves that, upon exploration, were too small to enter, and I found an awesome dagger-sized stick, and she an eagle feather with a V-cut in the tip. We found some cement tubes used for drains and ditches, and we sat on them talking and kissing a little until it had become very late, enjoying the sunset and the night sky, which somehow was easier to see out there than at camp, a short walk east. While I knew the direction to camp, we had left the path so often that we thought it would be easier to head downslope to another path I thought I had seen, rather than struggle upslope in the dark. We ended up finding and following a dry riverbed, unable to reach the highway because of a barbed wire fence. We managed to climb up at a bridge, and we were treated rudely at the front gate for not having our identifying bracelets (really, who expects flimsy plastic bracelets to last all weekend?), and we got to bed around midnight.
So, proof that this trip was not meant to suck: when we went to bed, we thought Drew and Sarah were both asleep. Sarah was, in fact, downhill in the ant farm hanging out and getting drunk with the guys. Well, there was lightning on the horizon when we went to sleep. Drew had removed the rainfly because it was so hot. I was woken sometime in the night by someone stumbling against the tent, who had a cohort standing nearby. My first instinct was to stop the theives, grabbing my large mag-light flashlight in case I had to hit someone (which I hoped was not the case). I emerged to find Sarah and one of our downslope neighbors discussing whether or not the rainfly was necessary (mainly because they were both too drunk to put it on). The lightning was very red and very right above us. I agreed that it felt like heat lightning not rain lighting, but when I went back inside, Drew was awake, and I told him that we weren't sure about the rainfly. He saw one crash of lightning and started to get up to put on the rainfly. I helped. We tossed it over the tent, and the wind helped carry it over to cover the tent, and before we had strapped down a single part, it started to rain. We quickly secured it and put in the pieces to hold it out over the window and door, I rescued Sarah's phone, cigarettes and lighters, and a couple other things, tossing them into the tent. And we, happy that God was with us, went to sleep to the sound of rain hitting the rainfly with thick heavy drops. Lara might have woken up once [laughs].
In the morning, Drew and Sarah were ready to go on the long trip, but stayed through breakfast with us. We had more reheated farmer's omelettes, and I made a fruit (cantalope and avacado and orange) and cheese (havarti and edam) tray. Drew and Sarah ran off with the car to go on the long trip, while Lara and I went swimming some more, with some talking and people watching. We went upstream to find a place to swim that wasn't full of tubers, and found a gorgeous little artificial waterfall with rapids, and a little deep area to swim. We got home in time to make dinner, which was tortillas stuffed with cheese spread, avacado, tomato, bell pepper, and more cheese slices. We had ours, and then sat reading to each other until Drew and Sarah returned. We made more for them, and Drew was so drunk he was entertaining, and we decided that dressing David in girl's clothes was fun, so they put me in Lara's jeans, in one of Drew's tight shirts, and in Sarah's glittery aloe (for my splotchy sunburns; don't trust spray-on sunblock), and we headed off in the car to the dam to watch the sunset. We passed a Catholic church, and I realized it was Sunday and that I had missed going to mass and felt a little sheepish, but it's ok. God forgives missing his party now and then. And besides, I did invite him to my partying; I had a cross on my hat. [grins] It was a beatiful lake, with lots of photo ops. Lara and I talked a lot, but she didn't want to swim without me (and I was in her pants, not in a swimsuit), so we just took pictures and talked. We wanted to take Drew and Sarah the next day, but when we got back to camp, Sarah was napping and Drew explained that it would be best to leave that night, because the other option was first thing in the morning, and as previously mentioned, Lara doesn't wake up early [laughs]. So we packed up and were on the road by 10:45. I drove the first half, Drew the second, and we got home around 2am, I stayed the night with Lara, and that reminds me, I need to call Drew and make sure he got home safely [laughs]. And we spent the day hanging out with her mom and dad, then I came home, slept, and today had work.
So [lets out a deep breath], that was my weekend. And now I'm getting back into my regular schedule, and it'll be weird. Lara moves away on monday to Atlanta, and then I'll have a month and a half of my "normal schedule", working and spending time with friends and dancing, and saying goodbye. I'll let you go blogger, though my life, and it's updates, for the near future, will be moving forward without end.